If cards are dealt face down, the player is allowed to
pick the cards up from the table to look at them. If cards are dealt
face up on the table, the player should not touch the cards.
Cards may be dealt to players face up or face down,
depending on the casino and table. Generally, card are dealt face down
at tables with higher stakes.
The dealer gives a card to the first player on his or her left, then the
second player and so on until all players have one card. Then dealer deals
his or her own card and places it face down on the table. This is known as
the "hole" card because early Blackjack tables had an indentation carved
into the top and this card was place in the indentation or "hole".
A second card is dealt to all players in the same order also face down.
Then the dealer takes a second card and places it face up in front of
him or her.